Most common car seat mistakes parent’s are making

It can feel daunting if you’re a first-time parent as there are a lot of car seats to choose from, whether brand new or second-hand. And for those who don’t know, there are risks if you’re don’t install your child’s seat correctly. Reality is, car seat mistakes can and do happen, but with the right tips, you’ll have better peace of mind knowing your child is much safer when you’re on the road.

Parents: avoid these car seat mistakes 

South Africa’s road traffic fatality rate is well above the global average, and road traffic accidents are still one of the top causes of death in children younger than 10 years old. Yet, there are a number of ways to optimise a child’s safety by addressing the mistakes that come with using the car seat.

Here are the top car seat mistakes that you might be making:

Installing the car seat incorrectly

One common mistake was loose installation followed by using the wrong seat in the wrong car. A slightly loose seat that moves forwards, backwards, or sideways is one telltale sign that something is wrong. The car seat should be tightly secured and not move more than a few centimetres side to side or front to back.

  •  Find the most compatible seat for your car. Once it arrives, read the car seat manual and your car’s safety manual to ensure it's installed correctly.

Car seats are expensive, and a used car seat might sometimes be the only option. 

  • Try to avoid car seats that are more than six years old because car seats expire after six years from the date of manufacture and start degrading over time. If you do use a second-hand car seat, make sure you have information about proper installation.

Loose straps

While you don’t want the straps to be too tight, leaving some space makes them vulnerable to being yanked out of the car seat in the event of impact. Conduct this test to check if the straps are tight enough:

  • Place your fingers on the harness where your child’s collarbone sits.
  • Pinch the strap and see if you can manage to get some material between your fingers.
  • If you manage to get a good pinch, your straps are not tight enough.
  • If you can’t put a finger between your baby and the strap, it might be too tight.

Wearing bulky clothes

If the jacket is bulky, it compromises the tightness. Remove any bulk clothing items and then cover your child with a blanket once they’re strapped in.

Wrong incline angle

Rear-facing seats recline at a 45-degree angle so the child can slant comfortably. If the car seat is upright, especially for infants, a slight impact could cause neck injury. Quality car seats have an indicator showing where the 45-degree incline angle is.

Not using the car seat’s top tether

The top tether significantly reduces the seat's forward motion and the risk of head injury in an accident or even sudden braking. The top tether could also reduce the effects of other car seat mistakes such as loose installation and harnessing.

Unbuckled on short trips

If you’re driving to a nearby shop, you might be tempted not to secure your child in the car seat. However, most accidents happen close to home; a time when your guard is down because of the familiarity of the roads and lower speeds. Avoid this mentality and be sure to strap your child in the car seat every time. 

Children under the age of three are legally required to be restrained in a car seat.

Moving to a bigger car seat too early

In the case of a collision, rear-facing seats are better protected against impact. Children should continue to travel in a rear-facing car seat until the age of two, or until they exceed the height and weight recommendations of the manufacturer’s seat.

The same applies with moving from a car seat to a booster seat. Keep your child in a car seat until they are at least 18 kg and/or four years old. Most seat belts are designed for adult passengers and it’s safer to secure your child with the five-point harness of a car seat for as long as possible.

Maintaining your vehicle

It’s in your family’s best interest to keep your vehicle is in working condition. Regular vehicle maintenance and car servicing play a crucial role in ensuring your vehicle is in tip-top shape and running how it should. 

These tips will not only help you become better aware, but prepare you for any unknowns. 

Be sure to pass this information on to a family loved one or friend if they’re expecting their first child.   

For more on safe driving, read our latest blog: Winter road safety

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