Your car is one of your biggest investments, so it’s important to entrust it into the hands of professionals that will keep you safe on the roads as well as offer recourse if you’re unhappy with the service received.
The good news is, choosing a mechanic to look after your car doesn’t have to be a daunting experience. The solution is to seek out any approved Retail Motor Industry (RMI) dealership for your vehicle’s services and repairs. By using a business accredited by a reputable association such as the RMI, you can be assured of good workmanship at workshops run by highly-skilled professionals who use quality parts and repair equipment.
To become an RMI accredited workshop, the workshop undergoes a thorough assessment of all aspects of the business, including staff training, administration, tools and equipment. Possibly the most important benefit of using an accredited business is the knowledge that there is an association you can deal with in the event of a bad service or poor workmanship experience.
When looking for a workshop for your car, don’t be afraid to ask for proof of accreditation. You can also ask the RMI for a referral in your area. It’s worth the extra admin to ensure you receive the service you deserve.
What to do if you have a complaint
If you’re dissatisfied with the service provided by an RMI accredited workshop, your first step would be to contact the RMI directly on 011 886 6300. The RMI will then engage with the RMI member through a process of facilitation to find a resolution. In most cases, disputes are resolved through the facilitation process. If no suitable outcome can be reached, the case can be escalated to the motor insurance ombudsman.
MotorHappy Car Service and Vehicle Maintenance Plans
A Service Plan through MotorHappy includes OEM required services and parts and our Maintenance Plan includes all parts. Wondering what’s the difference between a Service Plan and a Maintenance Plan? While a car service plan covers you for all vehicle servicing requirements, a motor maintenance plan takes it one step further by providing cover for the regular maintenance of vehicle parts that wear and tear.
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