How to get the best deal on my car?

Selling your car and buying a new one can be a little overwhelming. However, if you plan carefully you can get the best deal on your next car. Here are a few things that we think you should know before embarking on this important process:

In addition to looking neat and clean, one of the most important things that you should put into consideration is that you should have a full-service plan on the car you're selling. Not only will this help prove that your car has been well taken care of, but it will also help you earn a higher amount for your car in the process.

If you need an expert to help you asses the value of your car, you can use the MotorHappy free car valuation service tool to find out how much you can earn for your car.

  • Know your budget: More often than not, canny salesmen will try sell you something that’s out of your budget with the knowledge that you might not be able to resist the urge of leaving with those hot new wheels. You’ll be better prepared if you know your budget and stick to it.
  • Do your research: Before you head out to buy that new car, look around on the internet or ask a few of your friends the current prices, specs, and the type of car that will suit your needs. You can use our tool to find some of the most compelling prices on some of the best cars on the market.

Also, be sure to find out the maintenance costs and resale value of that particular car and if it would command a good resale value after a period of say three to five years. This would be important if you want to sell it in the future.

  • Be a good negotiator: Be ready to negotiate your heart out if you want to get that good deal. If you know negotiating is not your strong point (you’re just too nice!), you could consider going with a friend or two to help you out.

So there you have it, our straight to the point guide to help you sell your old car and get a good deal on your new one. Take some time to browse the MotorHappy online market place to see some of the cars available today.





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