Do not leave your valuables in visible view
Thieves are attracted to what is visible to them, so items such as phones, wallets, handbags, laptops, chargers and iPods are targets, and should be locked away. The same applies for when you’re driving - don’t have anything on the passenger seat or on your lap (including a cellphone!). Also, if your car looks neat and has no items lying around, it will likely deter thieves as they won’t see anything of interest.
Keep your remote and keys away from windows and doors
You might think that thieves won’t have a use for your keys, but if they know where you live (ie if they’ve followed you from home, or if they find your address details in your car), then there is huge appeal for your keys. Rather keep them hidden or totally out of sight.
Ensure your car is locked
Even if you’ve locked your car automatically, thieves are now jamming immobilisers, so ensure you hear the “click” from the immobiliser, or check manually that the doors and boot are locked, even if you’re parking for a short amount of time. Be especially careful at garages, especially on road trip hot spots.
Park in well-lit and visible areas
When you park in a place with good lighting and passersby or “onlookers”, your car is less at risk of being stolen or broken into. Try not to park in remote places where your car is more vulnerable.
Remove all items from the boot overnight
Don’t risk keeping that laptop, tablet, work and gym bag in your car overnight - rather remove everything to be safe.
Close all the windows and sunroof
Even if you’re stopping for a short while, ensure all the windows and the sunroof are closed as these are potential entry points.
While taking these precautions help to prevent theft, it’s still wise to be covered if anything does happen. Instead of paying out your pocket if your car gets stolen, you’ll be better off paying monthly insurance and having peace of mind that your car is covered, rather than taking such a big financial risk. For more information on MotorHappy’s car insurance, and to get a quote, go here.
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