Updated: Make your vehicle less attractive to car thieves

Want to make your car less attractive to car thieves? Anything you can do to slow down the process of stealing your parked car will deter criminals.  Taking a few preventative steps could reduce the likelihood of your car being stolen.

   6 steps to prevent your car from being stolen

  Step 1: Remove valuables from your car

Remove all valuables from your car – or at least move them out of sight – to make sure your car is not targeted by opportunistic thieves. If you are placing valuables in your boot, do so before you arrive at the parking area. Criminals often watch their victims carefully before breaking into vehicles, and if they see you storing your valuables in the boot, they will know to target your vehicle.

  Step 2: Invest in a steering wheel or gear lever security device

Steering wheel locks are not theft-proof, but they are a visual deterrent that add an extra layer of protection to your vehicle.

  Step 3: Install a car alarm and a tracking system

There’s nothing quite like the sound of a loud alarm to stop a robber in his tracks. Consider putting a sticker on your car and advertising the fact that you have an alarm.

A vehicle tracking system will help get your car back quickly if it’s stolen, and it will also help lower your monthly car insurance premiums.

  Step 4: Park your vehicle in a safe and well-guarded area

Avoid parking in dark and secluded areas. Try to park your car in a safely guarded area, either behind a locked fence, in a garage or in an area with security guards. Report suspicious-looking people to security.

  Step 5: Be alert

Be aware of your surroundings when you park your car, and if you feel uneasy about a parking area, rather park somewhere else. Double check that your doors and windows are closed before leaving the car.

  Step 6: Be weary of remote jamming

Always make sure your doors are locked after activating the alarm. If your door opens, get in your car and drive away. Chances are that the criminals are watching you from close by.




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