What your insurer wants you to know

The 5 things your insurer wants you to know about car insurance

You probably spend a lot of time choosing a car, and much less time choosing car insurance. It’s likely that you spend time maintaining your car, but virtually none on checking your policy, and updating it when necessary.It’s smart taking out car insurance, but it’s smarter to know more about car insurance, and how to ensure you’re properly covered.

Here’s what your insurer wants you to know about how you can manage your car insurance – and your pocket – better.

Be honest

Lying on your insurance policy or during a claim could result in denial of coverage. If you leave out information or lie about something, you could be costing yourself even more.

Comprehensive cover

Comprehensive cover protects you against damages to your car as a result of accident damage, theft or hijacking, bumper bashings, vandalism, fire, natural disasters, falling objects and damage done by animals.

Don’t assume that you’re covered for everything. Most of the time you’re not covered for roadside assistance, car rental, trauma and medical, additional drivers who have an accident, personal property that gets stolen from the car, and more.

Decrease your premium

You can decrease your monthly premiums by, among other things, installing an anti-theft device, ensuring your policy is updated (for example, you could pay less if you start working at a new employer and park in a safer spot), and choosing to pay a higher excess, which will result in lower premiums. (Tip: ensure you can afford the excess if and when you claim.)

If you’re in an accident

Report the accident to the police, and obtain a case number to give to the insurance company when you put in a claim. Without a number, your claim cannot be processed. It’s better to get a case number as soon as possible after the incident to get the process going swiftly, and because your memory of things surrounding the incident will be fresh in your mind. Keep a copy of your insurance policy number on your phone, along with your insurance company’s number and roadside assistance.

Update your details regularly

Always contact your insurance broker or company if anything changes, such as changing jobs or moving to a new house, or anything material to the risk. If you don’t let them know, they could repudiate future claims.

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