How to save money on your car this year

2020 was a rollercoaster of a year, and we start 2021 with renewed hopes and ambitions. However, it goes without saying that this year our economy will still feel the effects of 2020, and most of us need to save each and every penny that we can, and for as long as we can. In today’s blog post, we show you how you can reduce your car ownership costs and save money on your car this year

Economists have predicted a slow and long recovery of the global economy, so start this year armed with knowledge on how to enjoy your car for a little less.

According to a study by Bloomberg, South Africans spend at least 3% of their paycheck on fueling up, the third-highest amount in the world. While this statistic should be worrying for all of us, there’s certainly a thing or two that we can do to save money on fuel. Here are a few tips;

  1. Buy a car with a good fuel economy record.
  2. Avoid idling. Turn off your car if you’re going to stop for a while.
  3. Be gentle on the throttle. Aggressive acceleration is bad for your wallet.
  4. Try not to carry a lot of extra weight. The higher the workload the more fuel burnt. 
  5. Only use your car’s air conditioning system when you have to.
  6. Always make sure your tyres are properly inflated. 
  7. Use your car’s cruise control system. Try to drive at a constant speed if your car doesn’t come with cruise control.
  8. Avoid premium “performance fuels”. You don’t really need them. Unless you’re a race driver of course.

Like they say: “Take care of your car, and your car will take care of you on the road.” Regular and on-time car maintenance will go a long way towards helping you cut your car ownership costs. Here are a few tips for you:

  1. Always follow your car manufacturer’s maintenance and service recommendations.
  2. Pay attention to your car’s warning lights. Take your car to a mechanic the moment you notice one.
  3. Avoid unnecessary maintenance costs. Decline add-on services you’re offered.
  4. Conduct your own research on car parts prices.
  5. Make sure you only buy original car parts. Don’t just pay.
  6. Invest in a Maintenance Plan through MotorHappy. A Maintenance Plan covers all aspects of the servicing and maintenance of your car, keeping your vehilce on the road for longer and offering you a convenient way of budgeting so you can spend less time worrying about car servicing and maintenance costs. Click here to get an instant quote.  

Car insurance costs can be a little overwhelming for many car owners, however, they shouldn’t be. Follow these tips to make sure you always get a good deal:

  1. Get new insurance quotes every year.
  2. Shop around for the best deals. Don’t just renew your contract with your current provider. MotorHappy agents are available to source a selection of quotes from South Africa’s leading insurers. Whether you’re looking for cheap car insurance, or some niche insurance benefits, MotorHappy can help you compare insurance quotes so you can be sure you’re getting the best deal. 
  3. If you don’t want to move insurers, try to renegotiate your insurance premiums with your provider.
  4. Skip coverage that you may not need. Read through your insurance policy and forego what you don’t need. MotorHappy agents are available to help you make sense of all the Ts and Cs, so you can be sure you’re making an informed decision.
  5. Don’t skip car insurance. Don’t be that guy.

Cars are meant to make our lives easier, therefore, driving and owning a car shouldn’t be such a huge burden to us. Take into consideration the above tips and tricks in order to save as much as you can on your car while making sure that it runs as smoothly as it should. 

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